March 2017
July 2017
September 2017
January 2018
Week of Prayer and Fasting
Welcome the new year with our annual Week of Prayer and Fasting: Across the denomination, individuals and congregations reflect on devotionals authored by BIC U.S. voices. Read devotionals
Find out more »August 2018
April 2021
Great Lakes Conference Regional Meeting
This virtual meeting will be held via Zoom and Livestream through a partnership with Fairview BIC and The Seed. If you are a Pastor, Delegate, Church Board Member, Trustee, Deacon, Staff Member or Church Member and you would like to participate, please do so by registering at the link below: 2021 GLC Annual Meeting Registration For more information, visit our Annual Meeting page on The Seed at: theseed.online/glc-regional-conference
Find out more »October 2021
Impact Seminar – Virtual
The Basin and the Towel: Approaching Global Ministry Through Servanthood Jesus exemplified servant leadership when he took the position of a servant and washed his disciples’ feet. BIC U.S. World Missions works to emulate this posture of servitude as we share the love of Jesus throughout the world. In this seminar, World Missions staff and international BIC leaders will explore the many ways we interact with the global BIC Church, some of the challenges of cross-cultural ministry, and how participants…
Find out more »Impact Seminar – Virtual
The Basin and the Towel: Approaching Global Ministry Through Servanthood Jesus exemplified servant leadership when he took the position of a servant and washed his disciples’ feet. BIC U.S. World Missions works to emulate this posture of servitude as we share the love of Jesus throughout the world. In this seminar, World Missions staff and international BIC leaders will explore the many ways we interact with the global BIC Church, some of the challenges of cross-cultural ministry, and how participants…
Find out more »Impact Seminar – Virtual
The Basin and the Towel: Approaching Global Ministry Through Servanthood Jesus exemplified servant leadership when he took the position of a servant and washed his disciples’ feet. BIC U.S. World Missions works to emulate this posture of servitude as we share the love of Jesus throughout the world. In this seminar, World Missions staff and international BIC leaders will explore the many ways we interact with the global BIC Church, some of the challenges of cross-cultural ministry, and how participants…
Find out more »November 2021
Adoption of New Standardized Bylaws
A Resolution to Adopt New Bylaws for the 2021 Voting Members of the Annual Meeting held on April 24, 2021, along with the New Bylaws were made available via email on 10/25/2021. If you are a Voting Member or the Annual Meeting of April 2021 and did not receive this email, reach out to the Great Lakes Conference office at: bicgreatlakes@bicus.org for your copy. The plan is to adopt the new Bylaws by electronic vote beginning Friday, November 19, 2021…
Find out more »April 2022
Great Lakes Conference Regional Annual Meeting
Our 2022 Annual Meeting will be held April 22-23, 2022 and will be hosted by Lakeview Community Church in Goodrich, MI. More details will be posted as we draw closer to this event.
Find out more »October 2022
The Neighbor Next Door – Impact Seminar, Virtual
Who are we? Who is our neighbor? How do we neighbor well? From rural farmlands to city blocks, our congregations exist in unique communities. We seek to love and care for our neighbors by understanding the religious, socioeconomic, generational, and racial makeup of our communities. With this information in hand, pastors can better discern how to love, care for, and serve their community well. Using MissionInsite demographic reporting, this seminar will allow pastors to utilize data about their congregation and…
Find out more »The Neighbor Next Door – Impact Seminar, Virtual
Who are we? Who is our neighbor? How do we neighbor well? From rural farmlands to city blocks, our congregations exist in unique communities. We seek to love and care for our neighbors by understanding the religious, socioeconomic, generational, and racial makeup of our communities. With this information in hand, pastors can better discern how to love, care for, and serve their community well. Using MissionInsite demographic reporting, this seminar will allow pastors to utilize data about their congregation and…
Find out more »The Neighbor Next Door – Impact Seminar, Virtual
Who are we? Who is our neighbor? How do we neighbor well? From rural farmlands to city blocks, our congregations exist in unique communities. We seek to love and care for our neighbors by understanding the religious, socioeconomic, generational, and racial makeup of our communities. With this information in hand, pastors can better discern how to love, care for, and serve their community well. Using MissionInsite demographic reporting, this seminar will allow pastors to utilize data about their congregation and…
Find out more »April 2023
Great Lakes Conference 2023 Annual Meeting
The 2023 Great Lakes Conference Annual Meeting will be held April 21 & 22, 2023 and will be hosted by Pastor Ralph Foster and the congregation of Bloomington Chapel in Columbia, KY. More information and registration details will be released as we get closer to the event. Any questions should be directed to the GLC Office via email at: bicgreatlakes@bicus.org or via phone at: 937-952-5429
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